

Getting Treatment for Addiction

Be it drug addiction, alcoholism, eating disorders, or co-occurring disorders, CAST can help. CAST treatment believes that one size does not fit all. Each individual has their own needs which is why CAST tailors each treatment plan to every aspect of a person’s life. We provide treatment in every aspect of recovery, from interventions, to drug counseling, even help with smoking cessation.

The CAST treatment team is an independent team of expert addiction professionals, interventionists, doctors and therapist. Being one of the leading addiction consultant companies in the nation, CAST has procured  a large network of treatment centers internationally. Finding the appropriate treatment for the client is detrimental. We speak with these treatment centers to find the best fit for the client. Not every person needs inpatient treatment. A significant amount of those in recovery get sober without treatment. It depends on willingness and the stage of addiction.

Treatment programs vary on the issues. Most programs include psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and mental health services. However, drug treatment differs from addiction treatment. For example, treatment centers for sex addiction are often closely associated with trauma treatment centers. Treatment for anxiety, depression, or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) differs from drug rehabs, unless there is a co-occurring disorder.

CAST provides a number of services to help in every stage of recovery. We offer private detoxification services for clients wishing to maintain confidently or do not wish to enter treatment. Care managers coordinate all services by allocating a manager to oversee the implementation of care plans. They gather resources for the clients and connect them with a network of providers, doctors, and therapists. We believe that monitoring patients builds accountability and responsibility. Their goal is to be the advocate for the patient while keeping all parties up to date. We offer recovery companions for those needing extra support and monitoring, both in recovery from drugs and alcohol and psychiatric services.

CAST outpatient groups provide a safe, trusting environment to gain support with the help of peers. With a number of groups offered, individuals can explore issues in an interpersonal context as well as work through personal issues in a supportive, confident atmosphere. Aside from outpatient groups, we offer individual therapy and family services to further recovery.

CAST Transitional Living promotes individual recovery by providing an environment that allows residents to develop individual recovery programs and become self-supporting. Residents are provided with all CAST services, including the outpatient program, case management, as well as a paid internship to establish a work ethic and relationships with sober people.

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