

Benefits of Outpatient Rehab

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Outpatient rehab centers are a form rehabilitation therapy where patients attend treatment during the day, but are able to leave, opposed to inpatient or residential facilities. There are a wide range of approaches in the rehabilitation process, depending on the rehab center. Outpatient rehabs treat a number of different addictions and conditions, including alcoholism, drug addiction (e.g. heroin, cocaine, crystal meth, marijuana, and prescription drugs), gambling addiction, sex addiction, as well as behavioral disorders.

The duration of outpatient treatment programs differ depending on the facility philosophy as well as the specific needs of the individual. Outpatient rehab is less structured than residential, offering support with daily living to maintain sobriety.

Outpatient rehabs offer a multidisciplinary approach, although some are focused on specific treatment. Treatment models include the medical, therapeutic, community, social education, cognitive-behavioral, holistic, religious, 12-step and family-based models. Services provided at outpatient rehab centers can include individual therapy, group therapy, 12-step work, alcohol and drug education, spirituality group, men and women groups, relapse prevention, life skills, re-socialization skills, mental health treatment, drug screening, and affiliations with sober living houses. These services are to support psychological, social, behavioral, emotional, and spiritual needs for individual patients. This integrated treatment helps individuals to become sober, contributing members of society as well maintaining long-term recovery.

Outpatient rehab statistics are difficult to determine due to the nature of addiction. Each patient is different and their decision to be in recovery is dependent on a number of factors. However, the typical success rate of most drug rehabs is 2%-20%. Some rehabs even have success rates as high as 75%. The large range of 2-20% results from the high turnover rate for addicts and alcoholics. Also, defining statistics is dependent on a number of factors as well, for example, how long the user stays sober, the length of sobriety post treatment, behavioral changes. There have been a number of scientific studies of addiction treatment and outcomes. A prominent treatment facility has shown that 8 out of 10 patient experience dramatic improvements- with more than half the patients maintain continuous abstinence for at least one year upon completion of their treatment program. Their research also indicated that 80% of patients report improved family relationship, better mental health, and feels better able to manage life’s problems and challenges after treatment. All rehab statistics are determined by the services provided, the patients, as well as the aftercare.

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